Week 4 - Game Jams

In my opinion, the most important step in Michael Brough's blog post is step 4. It is to spend lots of time on graphics, and on getting the feel of the controls right. That is because, as he says, they help tricking me into believing that my game can be a reality. Often when I work on projects like this, I lose focus on what I was aiming for, or if it was even possible, and I give up. This step really helps counteract that problem.

Thus, my midterm project is sort of a mix between my second and third week projects. I am revamping player controls from week 2,  while implementing my smooth camera in week 3 to create a game where you sail a boat within my mind. Each island is controlled by physical manifestations of my psychological self, and you collect their artifacts to explore what they represent.

The Important things to make happen is satisfying player controls when sailing. I am adding an improved lerping camera, with the ability to easily shift to other targets for a cinematic feel. Additionally, I will keep the islands farther apart, but implement a scouting mechanic. Currently, this is all possible, but the road is a bit buggy. My reach goal to allow the player to disembark and walk on the islands as a mechanic. I don't know if thats possible but I will attempt it, and drop it if it is not within scope. The hardest thinks to create will be just fine tuning movement issues, as well as handling how the ship interacts with water, if that is even possible to learn within the assignment.

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